December 9th 2022 – Second Friday

Our “Second Friday” social class will be Friday, December 9th.

These are classes that begin at 6:30 for training, but end a little earlier than the usual 8 so that we can clear space and set up for communal dinner!

This will also be Kumiko’s last Friday class before she moves.

This time, it’s potluck style! There is a sign up spreadsheet link in the email. If you hope to attend, but are not on the email list, please contact us.

As usual, we have plenty of plates, napkins, and plasticware, and we will continue the usual tradition of bringing our own drinks. We also have folks signed up already to bring spiral ham, tabbouleh, a rice dish, and pie for dessert!

There are still openings for plenty of other types of dishes.

If you aren’t sure what to bring, please be in touch.